The Trainer

16 St Martins Le Grand

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SDI® - Strength Deployment Inventory MBTI - Myers Briggs® Practitioner Trainer and Facilitator Belbin Team Roles Tracom - Social Style®

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Freelance Trainer

You have arrived at this page as you are looking for a Freelance Trainer, or you are interested in what a freelance trainer is, or does. I have been Freelance trainer now since 2006, prior to that I was a Training Manager for a number of large organisations including Yelow Pages and Reed Elsevier. As a freelance trainer I split my time between serving my own clients, and working on an associate basis, for other training companies.


Most Trainers are Freelancers!

The training industry is predominantly made up of a number of organisations that will use freelance associates, as and when they need them, to deliver training projects to their clients. There are a number of employed trainers around, but as freelancers we make up the majority of the workforce.

As I will either work direct with clients, or work as an associate through training companies, the only difference is not the quality of the training I deliver, but the rates that are generally charged. This is because a lot of the costs in business development, chasing payments and account management are picked up by the training organisation. There can be costs associated to any intellectual property also. Please contact me if you are looking for someone for Interim projects or management and team training - I have detailed some of the programmes that I run below and all can be tailored to your exact requirements

Management and team development

The bulk of the training I deliver focuses around management and leadership skills. Typical Programmes can include;

I look forward to hearing from you. For a detailed resumee click on the About Me